Keep Asking, Keep Seeking, Keep Knocking 繼續祈求、繼續尋找並持續叩門
Matt. 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." In this verse, Jesus...
Keep Asking, Keep Seeking, Keep Knocking 繼續祈求、繼續尋找並持續叩門
The Pursuit of Happiness 追求幸福
Asking God for Wisdom 向神求智慧
主賜的力量 Strength from the Lord
Spiritual Thermometer 屬靈溫度計
Loving Your Neighbor from a Distance 社交距離中愛你的鄰舍
Our Anchor is in the Word of God 我們靈魂的錨是神的話語
聖靈的寶劍 The Sword of the Spirit
Fix your eyes on Jesus 定睛仰望耶穌
God is in Control 神在這一切所發生的事上掌權
You have control over at least one thing 你至少可以掌控一件事
信德的藤牌 Shield of Faith
難過嗎? Feeling sad?
Jesus is risen! 耶穌復活了!