Small Groups

Family Fellowship
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Every week @ Church
Diverse group of English-speaking adults. Meeting together to learn how to apply Biblical principles to everyday life and to encourage one another.
Enoch & Christine Tang
Richard & Linda Lim

Men's Group
1st and 3rd Weeks @ Church
Men of all age groups.
Meet for topical discussion & accountability.
Warriors Life Group
(Originally English Young Family)
4:30pm - 6:00pm
2nd & 4th Saturdays @ Church
A group of young married couples and families with young children (Infants - Elementary). The group supports one another through prayer and grow spiritually through studying the Bible.
David Yim

Sunday School
9:30AM -10:45AM
Every Week
Currently on break
Everyone is welcome to join weekly Sunday School.
Michael Chan
Young Adult/College Fellowship
Every Week @ Church
College students and Young Adults of any background, working or studying. We discuss and share about our life in relation to Sunday's sermon and help one another grow in the Lord.
Jeremiah Tan
Women's Group
1pm - 3:00pm
Various Weeks @ Church
Women of all age groups, single, student, or married.
Meet for friendship, fellowship, prayer support, encouragement & growing in Biblical womanhood.
Ann Lin