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難過嗎? Feeling sad?

過去幾週疫情嚴峻,你可能有很多疑問: 我可以憂愁嗎?  我可以難過嗎? 也許你失去工作、失去所愛的人,該不該對別人說呢? 該怎麼做呢? 讓我們一起看聖經怎麼說。

耶穌基督在被捉拿之前於客西馬利園祈禱, 太26:37講到我們的主耶穌:「就憂愁起來,極其難過。」耶穌基督憂愁因為祂將要承擔世人的罪、與父神分開,耶穌基督遇到極大的困難可以憂愁,因此我們也可以憂傷難過的。

然後,耶穌基督更將祂的憂愁告訴三個門徒彼得、雅各與約翰 :「我心裡甚是憂傷,幾乎要死。」(太26:38a)  我們也可以與耶穌基督一樣,將真實的情感與他人分享。耶穌基督不單說出祂的感受,更叫門徒為祂祈禱,「和我一同儆醒。」(太26:38b)。 我們也可以在這時候互相代求。

親愛的弟兄姊妹,遇到當今的困難,我們可以學效耶穌,將你的苦楚告訴可信任的主內肢體。你可以聯絡教會的牧師、團契的成員、或者常常一同敬拜的弟兄姊妹,讓他們為你祈禱,與你一同度過這艱苦的時間,願主祝福你們 !

In the past few weeks, you might have a few questions in mind. Is it okay to feel sad and distressed during this coronavirus time? Some of us have lost jobs and loved ones.  You are  wondering if you should tell anyone about your pains or troubles. You don’t know what to do. Let’s see what the Bible says.

Before Jesus was arrested, He took His disciples to Gethsemane to pray. In Matthew 26:37, Jesus became anguished and distressed. He is saddened because He is going to take up the sin of the world and be separated from the Father. Jesus could be troubled when He faced great hardships, so we can also feel sorrowful. 

Then Jesus tells Peter, James and John, “My soul is deeply grieved, even to the point of death.” (Matt 26:38a).  So we can share our true feelings like Jesus. Jesus not only shared his feelings but also asked them to pray for Him – He said, “stay here and keep watch with me.” (Matthew 26:38b)  During this sorrowful and distressed time, we can pray for one another. 

Dear brothers and sisters, during this difficult time you can follow what Jesus did. You can tell a trusted one in the body of Christ about your pain and distress. Contact your pastors, your fellowship members, or people whom you worship with. Let them pray for you and walk through this tough time together with you. May God bless your family!

By Rev. Clement Woo 胡嘉明牧師

April 24, 2020

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