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Word from our Deacon Board

Can you believe we have been sheltered-in-place since March?  The DB and Pastors are committed to the health and well-being of all our brothers and sisters.   And of course, safety is of extreme importance.  We are blessed with a facility that is spacious enough to allow for social distancing. 

Over the past few weeks, Frisco ISD has been planning for in-person and virtual school attendance.  Schools will start virtually, followed by in-person attendance in September.  FCBC will be following FISD’s lead (on a one week lag).  Currently, we will open our Children’s programs for in-person and virtual attendance, beginning with Sunday School virtually on 8/23/20 and in-person on 9/20/20.  Awana will also be adapted to open virtually and in-person. will also be adapted to open virtually and in-person.

In order to minister to the entire family, the adult programs will be in sync with the children’s programs’ schedule. The adult fellowship and education programs will also open for in-person and virtual attendance.  We encourage everyone to join together, virtually or in-person.  For those of our “at-risk” population, we encourage you to stay safe and join virtually.

Room assignments and desk locations will be adjusted accordingly to ensure proper distancing.  We will continue to require masks be worn, where permissible and possible.  Disinfectant, masks and cleaning supplies are available at the entrance and each room will have additional cleaning supply stations. 

It is important to note that this is the current plan and may be subject to change as additional information is provided by FISD, City of Frisco, Collin County and/or Texas.


  過去幾週,費斯可學區(Frisco ISD)計劃面對面上課和網路上課。學期開始時以網路授課,由九月開始面對面授課。本教會也將跟隨學區的決定(延後一週),目前,我們的兒童事工也是網路和面對面開放,先於8月23日開始網路兒童主日學,9月20日開始親臨出席。AWANA也將開放網路與親臨出席。



  特別請大家注意,這是當前的計劃,可能會隨著費斯可學區(FISD)、費斯可市、柯林郡(Collin County),或德州州政府的新信息而變動。

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