1 Pet 4:10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. (NIV)
In this verse, Peter explains to believers that God has given every believer a spiritual gift, and the purpose is to serve one another. Because the gifts are from God, believers need to be good stewards of their gifts.
However, because of various reasons, some believers are not able to discover God’s given gifts or utilize them to their full potential.
I came across three mathematics formulas lately. You might have seen them before.
It is not hard to understand. In Formula A, one to the power of 365 is equal to one. In Formula B, if the base is increased by 1% (from 1 to 1.01), the result will be increased by 37.8 times. In Formula C, on the other hand, if the base is decreased by 1% (from 1 to 0.99), the result will be 0.03 of the original base.
These three formulas are just for illustration. But the point is that making just a little more or less effort can make a huge difference.
Now let’s think about these formulas in light of church ministries. If brothers and sisters are able to make one percent more of their efforts to serve God, how much more impact they can make for God. In the same token, if brothers and sisters are doing less than 100%, the impact for His kingdom will be a lot less.
Dear brothers and sisters, are you faithful stewards of your God-given gifts? Do you know your gifts? Are you using your gifts to serve God and one another? Let’s ask God to give us wisdom to discover and fully utilize our gifts to serve the body of Christ.
~Rev. Clement Woo 胡嘉明牧師~