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Loving God and Others during COVID

FCBC web team CT

The Delta variant of Covid is on the rise. Recently, our whole family tested positive for Covid. We are grateful that none of our kids had any symptoms. Unfortunately, Ashley and I experienced pretty bad symptoms.

We are grateful that we are now all back to good health. We have all tested negative for Covid and are CDC approved to return to public. We want to thank everyone who prayed and cooked us meals during this struggling time. Your love and support have been very encouraging to us.

I want to share 2 things I’ve learned through this experience:

1. We must never live in fear.

2 Timothy 1:7 for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

Christians must never live in fear. God gave us a spirit of power, love and self-control. The spirit of God will drive out all of our fears. We must live according to the Holy Spirit that is in us. The Holy Spirit gives us power to not fear Covid. He gives us love, so that we may seek the welfare of others above ourselves. He gives us self-control that we may be able to follow His commandments. If we live according to the Spirit, fear will be driven away and we can be more focused in loving Him and others.

2. We must always seek unity by humbling ourselves before God and others.

Philippians 2:3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

Unity is a big part of our witness as believers. I believe that the worst thing that Covid has done to our Christian community is not death but disunity amongst our brothers and sisters in Christ. Everyone has their own perspective towards handling Covid. We must never look at each other with disdain by labeling others as being too careless or too careful. Instead we must always check our hearts before God and see how we can love God and others well in spite of handling Covid differently. We are not loving each other well by labeling others as too liberal or too cautious. Instead we must choose to humble our own hearts before God, so that we can better love others well. And this can only happen if we choose to stop judging our brothers and sisters in Christ.

In the end, let us remember that we are One body in Christ. Covid will come and go. But God will remain forever. Let us find ways to love God and each other well during this time of trial.

Min. David Or 柯啟洋傳道~

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