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In the Midst of Challenges

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Luke 1:6-7

And they were both righteous before God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and statutes of the Lord. But they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren, and both were advanced in years.

This story is about the foretelling of the birth of John the Baptist. His parents Zechariah and Elizabeth “were both righteous before God” (v.6). Some people might look righteous outwardly like the Pharisees, but here “they were both righteous before God,” who looks at the hearts. This is one of the highest honors from God.

They are also “walking blamelessly in all the commandments and statutes of the Lord” (v.6). Not only are they godly inwardly, but they are also godly outwardly.

The Scripture also emphasized “both” were righteous. Not just one spouse. They must be a devoted couple from the very beginning. They are good models for us to follow.

But verse 7 tells us they had two challenges:

  1. They had no child because Elizabeth was barren

  2. They were advanced in age and probably passed the age of having children

You may ask, wait a minute. How can this godly couple have challenges? Wouldn’t God hear their prayer and give them a son? We will know later in chapter 1 that Elizabeth will give birth to John the Baptist.

These two verses (Luke 1:6-7) teach us that every person has challenges. No one is exempt; even the godly had difficulties they wanted to overcome.

Dear brothers and sisters, what are you struggling with right now? Looking for a job? Fighting with your spouse? Arguing with your kids? Worrying about the pandemic?

No matter what you are struggling with right now, don’t focus on your struggle. Don’t blame God or others. Everyone has struggles because sin entered the world, and the world was cursed.

But you know that God is good, and He cares about us. He loved us to a point that He sent His beloved Son to die on the cross for our sins before we were even born.

Rev. Clement Woo 胡嘉明牧師~

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