When: 9/5 10am - 1pm (lunch served from 11:30am to 12:30pm)
Purpose: For families, adults and children, to come and fellowship together in a safe and nice place.
· Lunch - Spring Creek BBQ (sandwiches: meat choices— sausage, pork, Ham or turkey0
· Play some ping pong and badminton
· Bring your own board games to play with each other
· Bring chairs to sit outside and enjoy some company from fellow brothers and sisters
· Masks will be required at all times (except while eating and playing badminton and ping pong)
RSVP to your fellowship leader or jenny.chao@friscocbc.org to get a headcount so we can provide enough food for all who plan to come. The deadline for final headcount report to Jenny Chao is @ noon on 8/29.
9月5日10:00am-1:00pm歡迎弟兄姊妹闔家相聚,享用午餐、運動、遊戲、享受彼此的交通。我們希望提供一個安全的環境讓大家聚在一起團契相聚,一起用餐。活動內容包括羽毛球、桌球、帶自己的戶外用椅在室外聊天,也可自備撲克牌、下棋、遊戲盒等。全程必須穿戴口罩,僅用餐與打球時可取下。請向團契組長報名以便統計人數,向Spring Creek BBQ訂餐,報名時請從香腸、豬肉、火腿、或火雞選擇一種肉類,報名截止為8月29日中午12:00。