This year's Dallas Chinese Christian Youth Camp (DCCYC) will be virtual! It will take place June 17-20 and will feature incredible times of fun, fellowship, and games, inspiring worship led by the DCCYC 2020 worship band, challenging messages by amazing speakers, informative workshops on relevant topics by compelling teachers, and a life-changing opportunity for you to encounter God, all from the comfort and socially-distanced safety of your home. Registration has started at http://www.dccyc.org/. Cost is $30 for the first child in the family; $15 for each additional child in the family. Please contact Pastor David, david.or@friscocbc.org, with questions.
今年的達拉斯中國基督教青年營(DCCYC)將於網路舉行! 活動時間為6月17日至20日舉行,屆時將有令人難忘的歡樂時光、團契和遊戲,由DCCYC 2020敬拜團帶領鼓舞人心的敬拜,極富挑戰性的信息,深度的專題講座,這是一個讓您遇見神、改變生命的機會,所有人都留在舒適的家中,保持社交距離,非常安全。已經開始註冊,請點擊http://www.dccyc.org/ 報名。 每家第一個孩子的費用為$30; 每增加一人為$ 15。 如有疑問,請聯繫柯啟洋牧師: david.or@friscocbc.org。