They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. ( Acts 2:42)
Brothers and sisters, what is your ideal church? Good music? Many social gatherings? Free food and drinks? Strong biblical preaching? Everyone in the church is in the same life stage as me? A place where I can use my spiritual gift to serve God? Brothers and sisters love one another? The carpet and decoration are the same as your old church?
Everyone may have a different concept about the church. Let us look at the early church in the Bible and learn from it.
In Acts 2:42, there is a list of four very important signs of the early church: They devoted themselves to the “apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” It can be summarized in the following four points:
1. Focus on teaching and devoted to the Word of God
2. Fellowship in love
3. Communion with one heart
4. Fervent prayer in unity
In the remaining half year of 2021, let us study hard the Word of God, fellowship with each other, observe the Lord’s supper, and pray unceasingly. Although the pandemic has affected us, God's will for us has not changed. Let us work together to fulfill the Lord's mission and become a church after God's heart.
~ Rev. Clement Woo 胡嘉明牧師~