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聖靈的寶劍 The Sword of the Spirit

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要穿戴神所賜的全副軍裝,就能抵擋魔鬼的詭計…拿著聖靈的寶劍。(弗6:11, 17b)





Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

Take the sword of the Spirit...  Ephesians 6:11, 17b

       Real Christians will definitely face spiritual warfare, because Satan will use all kinds of tricks to lead you away from the Lord by accusing you, being friends with you, tempting you, or putting you through trials.

        Therefore, we have to put on the full armor of God during the battle and take up the sword of Spirit. The sword must be held all the times. We can’t put it down nor relax. It protects us from the enemy. However, what really protects people is not the sword, but whether the swordsman knows how to use a sword, diligently practices, and is proficient in sword skills. How intimate the swordsman is to the sword affects the usage of the sword. The more intimate you are with the Holy Spirit, the stronger the power of sword of Spirit. Therefore, knowing the Holy Spirit, obeying the Holy Spirit, and desiring the Holy Spirit, while living a life of faith will directly affect the performance of the sword of Spirit.   

The protection of the sword of the Holy Spirit for us depends on our understanding and obedience to the Holy Spirit. The more understanding of Holy Spirit you have, the more you will be able to use the sword of the Spirit. Similarly, the deeper your knowledge of how to use a sword, the more effectively you will be able to use the sword.  Then you will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit within, so that the fruit of the Spirit is produced.

      The first step to receive the Holy Spirit is to confess and repent.  The Holy Spirit gives us freedom in the Lord, freedom from sin, and freedom from death’s control. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit makes us love God and long for spiritual milk.  The person who is filled with the Holy Spirit is a witness for the Lord. Live a sober life guarding oneself - observing the Lord’s Day, respecting the Lord’s Day, often examining oneself and willing to pray fervently.

~Rev. Benguang Du都本光牧師~

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