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傳道人的榜樣 A Minister's Example

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這些事,你要吩咐人,也要教導人。不可叫人小看你年輕,總要在言語、行為、愛心、信心、清潔上,都作信徒的榜樣。 (提摩太前書4:11-12)




  1. 自律的屬靈生命: 有基督的生命與品格就必不會被人小看。傳道人的經驗資格都是經過磨練的,挫折困難是操練屬靈生命的機會,受人輕視批評也是屬靈操練。這些成長都需要時間與努力,也需要教會的寬容與等候。

  2. 言語的榜樣: 不出污穢的話語,只說造就人的好話,使人屬靈生命得益處

  3. 行為的榜樣: 行事光明,與蒙召的恩相稱

  4. 愛心的榜樣: 盡心、盡性、盡力、盡意愛主,並愛人如己

  5. 信心的榜樣: 因信做工、憑信等候、忍耐盼望、忠心不改

  6. 聖潔的榜樣: 追求聖潔,穿上新人,有真理的仁義和聖潔


11 Command and teach these things. 12 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

~1Timothy 4:11-12~

        This passage talks about the minister’s requirements. The first is to teach—use the authority of teaching carefully and boldly. And the second is to live as a role model—lead the believers by your example with firm and loyalty.

        The minister is not only a role model for believers, but God also gives him the authority to teach—remind, instruct, persuade, care, lead, and teach. Therefore, the preacher must use authority boldly and carefully and not misuse his authority. The preacher's teaching must come from the Bible, the commandments from the Lord, and cannot be mixed with personal knowledge and selfish ambitions. You must first command yourself before you command others, and you must teach yourself before you teach others. You must think of personal charms or abilities as nothing and faithfully lead people to God instead of yourself.

        What examples should a minister have?

  1. Disciplined spiritual life: People won’t look down on you if you have the characters of Christ. . The maturity of preachers comes from tests and trials. Frustrations and difficulties are opportunities to practice the godly characters; and being despised and criticized is also spiritual practices. The growth and maturity of a preacher take time and effort; as well as the tolerance and patience of the church.

  2. Examples of words: no filthy words, only words that edify people and benefit others spiritually.

  3. Example of behavior: walk in light, in a manner worthy of God’s calling

  4. An example of love: Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself

  5. The model of faith: work by faith, wait by faith, hope patiently, and be faithful.

  6. The example of holiness: Pursue holiness, put on the new man, and have the benevolence and holiness of truth

         As for the responsibility of believers, the first is to receive instruction and submit to authority, and the second is to follow the example and live out their lives. Therefore, believers should not use a supervisory attitude to evaluate and judge preachers, should not think that preachers are hired by the church, and rashly evaluate preachers’ performance, or use professional knowledge to measure pastors’ performance. The preacher is chosen by God, trained by God, and sent by God to represent God in teaching the truth to brothers and sisters and spreading the mystery of the gospel. He must hold to the truth, be firm and loyal, set an example, and bring brothers and sisters to God. Therefore, brothers and sisters should respect and imitate the life example of the preacher—also the example of Christ—following the teachings of the Bible and obeying the instructions of Christ. Every preacher has different gifts, trials, experiences, and age. Brothers and sisters should help, tolerate, point out his mistakes in love and honest and willingly obey the truth taught by the preacher, learn the truth and imitate the example, so that to live out the fragrance of Christ altogether.

Rev.  Benguang Du 都本光牧師~

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