Frisco Community Bible Church | Cantonese Ministry
Inquire &
Grace A
First and second Saturdays, 9 - 11 am
Youth Room and online
For mature, 55+, working adults and retirees, young-at-hearts. One of the two monthly meetings is devoted to Bible studies. The other features health, testimonies, hymns, topical discussions, praise dance, tea party and other activities.
This is where members study the Bible, share life experiences, testify to the Lord and learn to care for and support one another. A group of 20 but the small size facilitates mutual care and understanding. Enquiries
2nd and 3rd Saturday
10 – 11:30 am, In-person
To take care of new and senior brothers and sisters in the fast-growing FCBC Cantonese congregation, The Lord's Rising Fellowship was established in September 2022. This new fellowship is led by Jenny Chao, Ada Chung and Alice Moi from the original Cantonese "Group A" (Lord's Grace) Fellowship.
The main activities include Bible study, caring and other life-related topics, etc., to create a spiritual environment for new and senior Cantonese brothers and sisters to settle down in FCBC. Enquiries
First and third Saturdays, 3 pm - 5.30 pm
In-person/online hybrid
For Cantonese speaking couples and families with children in college, living outside or are already working. Through hymns, Bible studies and prayer, the meetings seek to help participants understand God better, experience Him and let His will be done in our lives.
The program is supplemented by various activities including health talks and outings, etc. Enquiries
Group B
Fridays, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Cantonese Fellowship 6A comprises mainly families but singles and those from any family background can also attend. Meetings feature hymns, prayer, Bible studies, topical and other activities.
Through participation in fellowship life, members are encouraged to serve the Lord together, share life experiences and spur one another on toward spiritual growth. Our children range from preschoolers to senior high students. Child care service is provided during fellowship time, as are Awana and Youth fellowship. Believers and seekers of truth are welcome. Enquiries
Fridays, 7:15 pm - 8:45 pm
Formed in September 2022, the Soul-der Fellowship comprises mainly families with children from toddlers to Junior High. Most families have settled in Texas from the East or West coast in the last two years. Some are migrants from Hong Kong. We have a lot in common and lots to share.
We have two Bible study sessions each month which enables us to learn more from the Bible and grow in spirit. Various group activities allow us to better know one another. Attendance averages 15 to 20. Our children attend AWANA while we meet so we can focus on the meeting. Activities include: barbecue, Potbless” (sharing and potluck), basketball match, weekly badminton on Saturday afternoons. Enquiries
Sisters' Group
Thursdays, 9:30 am - 11:45 am
Room B116 and Zoom simultaneously
Lady believers and truth seekers are welcome to join our Cantonese Sisters' Group where we hope to grow our spiritual lives through learning the Scripture. The group is where our sisters communicate, share and encourage one another. Through a better understanding of the Bible, especially the role of women in society and at home, we learn how to magnify God, care for each other and be filled with praises and thankfulness.
Our program comprises hymns, Bible studies, discussion and prayer, etc. We also organize lunches and special features. Weekly meetings on Thursday, 9:30 am to 11:45 am. Please direct enquiries to
Men's Fellowship
Cantonese Brothers' Group
Second and fourth Saturdays
With increasing numbers of mature brothers joining our church during the pandemic, Cantonese Men’s Fellowship was formed in summer 2022.
As men, we are mostly islands, living by ourselves and facing the storms of life without much help from others. We bear very different burdens and have different needs than sisters.
Our goal is to serve our brothers by sharing their burdens, offering support through the teachings of the Bible, and becoming prayer partners for each other. Enquiries