Vicky Chiang was born and raised in Taiwan with ancestral roots in Jiangsu. She accepted the Lord and was baptized in 1991. She graduated from National Taiwan University with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration in 1992. She received chemotherapy for an autoimmune disease and while she fought the chronic disease she translated the book Taking Charge-Overcoming the Challenges of Long-Term Illness (by Irene Pollin & Susan Golant). Through God's great grace she married and had two daughters. In 1998 they moved to Dallas and she became a full-time homemaker. She experienced the great power of God's Word through Bible study and prayer. Knowing the truth, her body became healthier and she served the Lord through prayer meetings, the Sisters' Fellowship, Chinese Fellowship, and choir. In 2016, she followed God's calling to become the church's administrative assistant. She loves to study the Bible, pray, and sing praises.