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You have control over at least one thing 你至少可以掌控一件事

FCBC web team CT

During this time of lockdown, many things may feel like they are out of your control.  Remember that God is still in control.  And you do have control over at least one thing, your power to pray to God. In all these difficulties, God wants you to come pray to Him. He wants you to partner with Him in bringing order and peace back into this world.

Whenever you pray remember these 3 important verses:

1.  All generous giving and every perfect gift is from above (James 1:17a )

Every good thing that this world has received is from God. The sun shines on both believers and non-believers. Whenever you pray always start by giving thanks to God for all the good things that God has currently blessed you with.

2. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4)

Our hearts may desire many things, but we should never forget that God should always be our number One desire. Every other desire should become secondary in comparison to pursuing God and bringing His Kingdom into this world. If we pray having God as our number One desire, He will for sure answer our prayers.

3. So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Cor. 10:31)

The purpose for all our prayers should always be for God’s glory. In the end, this world is going to be destroyed and restored to a new world where there is no more tears, pain, death nor sin. In this new world, God will forever be glorified and neither humans nor angels nor demons will  sin against Him any longer. Let us all pray having this new world in the back of our minds, so that we can always have the bigger picture in mind: All things are for God’s glory.

在居家隔離這段時間,很多事都讓我們感到失控,記得神仍掌權,雖然你可不能掌控所有的事情,你至少可以掌控一件事: 在神面前禱告的能力。在一切困難中,上帝希望你來到祂面前禱告,祂渴望你與祂同工,恢復世界的秩序與平安。






3. 所以,你們或吃或喝,無論做甚麼,都要為榮耀 神而行。(林前10:31)


~Min. David Or 柯啟洋傳道~

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