During this time, we will continue all online worship services, Sunday School classes, fellowship meetings, etc. We will also restart in-person worship services for Mandarin and English on May 17th. We do ask that those who are in the at-risk population (those who are 65 or older, especially those with chronic lung disease; moderate to severe asthma; chronic heart disease; severe obesity; diabetes; chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis; liver disease; or weakened immune system) to continue participating in our online services. Also, if you have new or worsening signs or symptoms of possible COVID-19, please stay home. Those who do come are asked to wear masks or face coverings. Masks and gloves will be provided if you need one. Chairs will be placed at least 6' apart and only those in the same household may sit together. Hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray, and disinfectant wipes are available and will be used to clean regularly touched surfaces.
Those who usually go to Cantonese worship service may continue to participate in the online service or attend the in person Mandarin or English worship service.
We continue to need co-workers to serve both in the online and in person services. We will train you! If you are interested, please contact Christine Tang, christine.tang@friscocbc.org.
More details HERE.
五月十七日即將開放國語及英語的現場主日崇拜,參加粵語敬拜者將繼續網路敬拜,只有國語堂與英語堂開放現場敬拜。同時我們仍將繼續所有三語的網路崇拜、主日學及團契聚會。請高危險群患有慢性病者、65歲以上長者、慢性肺部疾病患者、中度至重度嘯喘者 、心臟病、過重症、慢性腎病洗腎患者、肝病、免疫力較弱者,繼續網路敬拜。 還有,若您有新冠病毒的症狀請留在家中。
我們需要同工服事兩堂現場敬拜,並提供訓練,有感動者請聯絡劉合婷姊妹: christine.tang@friscocbc.org。