Our country is in pain. The death of George Floyd has brought to the surface years of quieted injustice. We are all experiencing a level of fear and mourning. In this trying time, our anchor is in the Word of God.
1. (Genesis 1:27) One human race: Our world is made up of different ethnicities but we are all part of one human race. We are all created in God’s image. Each and every person we encounter is equally precious to God, regardless of their skin color. God specifically created diversity within the human race because He delights in unity in diversity and it reflects the Godhead Himself (Three Persons yet One God).
2. (Matthew 22:35–40) The greatest commandments: All of the 613 commandments in the Bible can be boiled down into two things: love God and love others. Violence is never the answer. Understanding is the channel through which racism ends. Now more than ever, we need to reach out to people of different ethnicities and learn to listen and understand each other.
3. (1 Corinthians 13) Approach diversity with love and truth: We can love others but if we do not speak the truth then our love would have been wasted. We can speak truth but if we do not do it out of love then we are merely a clanging cymbal. Love and truth should always go hand in hand. The truth is we are all sinners. We are all racists in our own way. But by the blood of Jesus Christ, we have been forgiven and redeemed. We await the return of Jesus who will establish a new world without racism. Until then, our hearts will continue to ache at injustice and we must repent of our complicit racism by seeking to exemplify Christ until His return.
1. (創一27) 同為人類:我們的世界雖由不同種族組成,但我們都同為人類。 我們都是按照神的形像所創造的。我們遇到的每個人,無論膚色如何,在上帝面前都是同樣寶貴的。 上帝創造的人類有多樣性,因為祂對多樣中的一致感很滿意,並且反映了自己的神格(三位一體─神有三種位格卻是同一位神)。
2. (太22:35-40) 最大的誡命:聖經中613條誡命可以總結為兩件事:愛神與愛人。暴力永遠不是答案。理解是種族主義結束的渠道。如今,我們比以往任何時候都更需要與不同種族的人們接觸,學會傾聽和理解彼此。
3. (林前13) 以愛和真理面對不同族群:有愛卻沒有真理,這愛只會被浪費。有真理卻沒有愛,那麼我們只是空鳴的鑼、空響的鈸。愛與真理應該永遠並存。事實上我們都是罪人。我們都有某程度的種族主義(有偏見)。但是靠著耶穌基督的寶血,我們得到了寬恕和救贖。 我們等待耶穌再來,耶穌將建立一個沒有種族主義的新世界。在那之前,我們的內心將繼續為不公正而痛苦,我們必須為我們的種族主義悔改,以身作則,直到基督再來的日子。
~Min. David Or柯啟洋傳道~