New member recognition will be on April 11th. If you are a baptized Christian, have consistently attended our church for at least 6 months, do not have membership in nearby churches, and want to be a member, please fill out the Membership Application form and submit by March 14th to one of the pastors or deacons. New member classes will be held between March 21 to April 7th. If you have any questions contact Sean Bo at
教會今年將於4月11日接納新會友。凡於本教會經常聚會六個月以上已受洗的基督徒,且於鄰近教會無會籍者,認同本教會,並願意一同事奉,成為會友,請填寫會友申請表,並於3月14日前交給牧師或執事。新會友課程將於3月21日至4月7日舉行。 如有任何疑問,請聯繫薄祥正弟兄:。