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New member recognition 接納新會友

FCBC web team CT

New member recognition will be November 15. If you are a baptized Christian, have consistently attended our church for at least 6 months, do not have membership in nearby churches and want to be a member,  please fill out the Membership Application Form and submit before November 1st to one of the pastors. New member class will be held with a pastor or one of the deacons. Make arrangements per pastors or deacons' availability but not later than November 8th. If you have any questions contact Peter Chang at

教會將於11月15日接納新會友,弟兄姊妹若已受洗,並於本教會經常聚會至少半年,並在達福地區其他教會沒有會籍者,即可申請成為會友。加入教會會友是表明自己認同本教會,願意與教會同心,向教會屬靈領袖負責。會友可以參與教會的重要決定,進行投票。有意者請於招待桌領取會友申請表,並於11月1日前交給任何一位牧師,會友課程只要與牧師或一位執事約好,最晚11月8日之前完成課程。若有任何問題,請聯絡張彥偉弟兄 (。

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