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Let’s “keep moving” in 2021! 讓我們在2021年「繼續前行」!

FCBC web team CT

38 Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.” 39 So he traveled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons. (Mark 1:38-39)

From his reply, we know Jesus is consistently moving because His mission is to share the Good News and care for the needs of others. I wonder if we asked Jesus what we should do during this pandemic, He might say “keep moving” or “keep doing what I do.”

As His followers, we should follow His footsteps.

With the pandemic, traveling physically from towns to towns, houses to houses may not be a preferred way. Dr. Fauci predicted the COVID cases will heighten after the holidays. But we can reach out to others through other means.

Personally, I did more video conferencing in 2020 than I did in all the previous years added up. It can take a while to learn how to use Zoom or Google Meet, but once you learn it you can connect with a lot of people. Many of us joined different chat groups. Perhaps you can “travel” through your chat group and share the faith with them individually. I joined my high school’s old boys’ group in 2020. I was able to connect with my friends and share my faith with some.

Now, how do you know if a person in the group has interest in talking to you? Very simple, send them a message. You and the other person probably have something in common and that’s why both of you are in the group. If they reply, carry on a conversation. If they don’t, send one more message and move on. It doesn’t cost you any money, but you could gain a friend and make an impact in His kingdom. You will be surprised how many people are interested in a faith conversation during this pandemic.

Dear brothers and sisters, have you connected with those who have not come to church for a long time? Have you reached out to your long-time friends? Do you know anyone who is in need and the Spirit is urging you to reach out? Let’s “keep moving” in 2021!

38 耶穌對他們說:「我們可以往別處去,到鄰近的鄉村,我也好在那裡傳道,因為我是為這事出來的。」39於是在加利利全地,進了會堂,傳道,趕鬼。(馬可福音1:38-39)



在疫情大流行期間可能不適宜旅遊與探訪。 科西博士(Dr. Fauci)預測假期後新冠狀病例會遽增,但是我們可以透過其他方式與人聯繫。

就個人而言,我在2020年視訊會議比往幾年的總和還多。學習如何使用Zoom或Google Meet需要花一些時間,但是一旦學會了便可以與許多人建立聯繫。許多人加入了不同的聊天組,也許你可以安排聊天「行程」,與他們單獨分享信仰。我於2020年加入了高中時期的弟兄小組,這樣就夠與朋友聯絡,分享我的信仰。



Rev. Clement Woo 胡嘉明牧師~

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