Matt. 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
In this verse, Jesus invited his listeners to ask, seek, and knock. He also promised that it will be given, you will find, and the door will be opened to you. Jesus uses the present imperative of these three words with a force of continuation. This can be translated as “Keep asking, keep seeking, and keep knocking.” A lot of times the reason we didn’t get an answer from God is that we didn't ask. Or when we ask, we quit asking too quickly. Jesus teaches us to be persistent in prayer. Are you praying during this pandemic time? Are you praying persistently? Don't quit too fast; Jesus promised that He will listen to our prayers.
在這節經文中,耶穌邀請聽眾祈求、尋找與叩門。祂應許賜與、尋見並開門。耶穌用的這三個動詞是現在命令式,表示持續性的動作。這也可以翻譯為「繼續祈求、繼續尋找並持續叩門。」很多時候我們沒有得到上帝的回應是因為我們沒有求。或者當我們祈求後很快就放棄了。耶穌教導我們要堅持禱告。在此疫情流行期間您有禱告嗎?您有堅持不懈地祈禱嗎? 別太快放棄,耶穌應許祂會垂聽我們的禱告。
~Rev. Clement Woo 胡嘉明牧師~