We had a great time during our first Family Day. We will have another Family Day on Saturday, October 3, from 10am - 4pm. The gym will be set up to play basketball, badminton, and ping pong. You can also play outside or play board games inside. Masks are required except when eating or playing sports.
We will have sandwiches from Spring Creek BBQ. Please reply to your fellowship leader by Saturday, Sept. 26 at noon with the number of sandwiches and meat choice (sausage, pork, ham or turkey). If you do not have a fellowship leader, please RSVP directly to Jenny Chao at jenny.chao@friscocbc.org. Join us for a time of food, fun, and fellowship!
午餐向Spring Creek BBQ訂餐,請與各團契組長報名,若無團契者請向羅健文姊妹直接報名(jenny.chao@friscocbc.org),報名時請告知肉類選擇(香腸、豬肉、火腿、或火雞),9月26日中午12:00報名截止。歡迎踴躍參加,團契交通,享受家庭互動時間。