We will have a Congregational Meeting on 8/30/20 at 12:30pm. You may join the meeting in-person or virtually. Agenda will include a review of FCBC’s finances, and election of two Deacon Nomination Committee at-large members. Paper and on-line ballots will be made available for early voting. Each early ballot cast will count toward quorum requirements. More details will soon be provided about ballots and joining the meeting virtually. Please reserve your time to join this important meeting. For hardcopy ballots please contact your fellowship leaders. If you don't know who is your fellowship leader then contact Peter Chang (peter.chang@friscocbc.org). Online ballots details will be announced soon.
我們將於8月30日下午12:30舉行會友大會, 您可以參加現場會議或網路會議。 議程將包括FCBC財務報告,並選舉兩位執事提名委員。我們將提供您紙張選票和在線選票以便事前投票。每張事前投票將計入法定人數。 關於選票與網路會議事宜我們將在不久之後提供更多詳細信息。 請預留時間參加此重要會議。請向您的團契主席領取紙張選票,如果沒有團契者請聯絡張彥偉(peter.chang@friscocbc.org),網路選票詳情容後公布。