1. Praise God for His provision and providing us with one new PLC teacher already. PLC is still looking for one more in-person teacher.
2. This semester, PLC is providing both In-person and virtual classes, We are still accepting new students now. Please watch our video: Chinese, English.
3. Church is looking for helpers in Sunday's nursery, Awana, and Sunday School. Please email Pamela Chung at pamela.chung@friscocbc.org or call her at 214.226.4676 to leave a message if you are interested.
1. 感謝神的供應,為我們預備了一位新的PLC老師,目前PLC仍在尋找一名面對面上課的老師
3. 教會主日崇拜仍需育嬰同工、與兒童主日學以及Awana同工。有負擔者請電郵或致電留言給鍾朱嘉鳴主任(電郵: pamela.chung@friscocbc.org;電話:214.226.4676)。