2021年春季粵語姐妹會將於1月14日週四開始。聚會時間為每周四10:00 am-12:00 noon。 我們將繼續查考『給她讚賞』這本書,還將邀請講員舉辦一些專題講座。 有興趣者請發送電子郵件至cantosistersgroup@friscocbc.org 獲取Zoom網路聚會資訊。希望我們從新約中的婦女認識更多真理。
2021 Spring Cantonese Sisters Group will start on Thursday, 1/14. Meeting time is at 10:00am-12:00pm via Zoom on Thursdays. We will continue the study of the book "給她讚賞" and will also invite speakers for some special topics. Please email cantosistersgroup@friscocbc.org for Zoom information if interested. We hope to learn more about the women from the New Testament of the Bible.