In times of peril, throughout the history of the world, Psalm 46 is one of the psalms that have brought great comfort to many Christians. Countless songs have been based on it, most famously “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” by Martin Luther. As the election is coming up in a week, many are feeling anxious as they place their hope in either Biden or Trump. Let us quiet our hearts and hear from God through this Psalm.
1. We must seek God as our only mountain/refuge: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.” (Psalm 46: 1-3) The passage paints this dramatic picture of mountains about to be thrown in the midst of the sea. A fast approaching tidal wave about to engulf the mountains. Mountains are the most stable and reliable image the psalmist can think of. It represents things in our own life where we perceive as the most stable and where we often go to for protection and stability. They could represent money, family, political candidate, etc. These verses show us that all our mountains are in danger of being swept away by the tidal wave. We must learn to look to God as our only refuge/mountain. He is always available to us. Only then can we rise above the tidal wave.
2. The God of angel armies is always by our side: “The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” (Psalm 46:7) The phrase Lord of hosts has been translated in many different ways - NIV: The LORD Almighty; NET: The LORD who commands armies; MSG: GOD-of-Angel-Armies. Ultimately, the phrase is conveying a picture of God as a divine warrior-king who has a heavenly army at His disposal that is ready to destroy and annihilate His enemies. Nothing in this world can match His heavenly army. We must learn to fear this God more than anything else in this world. If you are feeling fearful of the election, you must learn to fear God more. If you feel fearful of Satan, you must fear God more. God is supreme over all. He is a divine warrior-king who fights for His people. Let us not be afraid of any tidal waves or enemies because the God of angel armies will defeat them all. They are no match for Him.
3. Be still because God will be exalted by everyone: “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” (Psalm 46:10 ) This is the only time God speaks in the whole Psalm and the first words He says is “Be still”. To be still is to stop from what you are currently doing and to start looking at Him. STOP trying to save yourself. STOP staying up all night trying to figure out how to fix it. STOP putting your faith in either Biden or Trump. START to put your faith in God alone. In the end, regardless if Biden or Trump wins, God will be exalted by all. God is and will always be the True Winner. Let us look past these two candidates for our source of hope and look to Him who is Supreme over all.
1. 我們必須尋求上帝作為我們唯一的避難所/山:「神是我們的避難所,是我們的力量,是我們在患難中隨時的幫助。 所以,地雖改變,山雖搖動到海心, 其中的水雖匉訇翻騰,山雖因海漲而戰抖,我們也不害怕。」(詩篇46:1-3)
2. 神的天使天軍永在我們身旁:「萬軍之耶和華與我們同在;雅各的 神是我們的避難所!」(詩篇46:7)萬軍之耶和華有很多不同的翻譯方式:NIV譯成「全能神」;NET譯成「統領萬軍的主」;MSG譯成「天使天軍之神」。這些翻譯傳達了上帝的形象,祂是神聖的戰士,祂是王,擁有一支天軍,隨時可殲滅仇敵。這個世界上沒有任何事物能與祂的天軍相比。我們必須學會敬畏上帝過於世上的其他事物。如果你對選舉感到恐懼,則必須學會更多地懼怕上帝。如果你害怕撒旦,則必須更害怕上帝。上帝掌管一切,祂是神聖的戰士,祂是王,為自己的百姓爭戰。讓我們無須害怕任何大浪或敵人,因為神的天使天軍會擊敗仇敵,他們不能與祂相比。
3. 要休息,因為所有人都會高舉神:「你們要休息,要知道我是 神!我必在外邦中被尊崇,在遍地上也被尊崇。」(詩篇46:10)這是整個詩篇中神唯一說話的地方,而祂所說的第一句話是「要休息」。休息就是停止目前正在做的事情,開始注視祂。停止救自己、停止熬夜試圖找出解決方法、停止相信拜登或川普;開始單單相信上帝。最後,無論拜登還是川普獲勝,上帝會被所有人高舉。上帝才是永遠的贏家。讓我們越過這兩個候選人,注目我們盼望之源─仰望掌管萬有的上帝。
~ Min. David Or 柯啟洋傳道~