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智慧和知識 Wisdom and Knowledge

FCBC web team CT

Updated: Sep 30, 2020

不要自欺, 神是輕慢不得的,人種的是甚麼,收的也是甚麼。順著情慾撒種的,必從情慾收敗壞;順著聖靈撒種的,必從聖靈收永生。~加拉太書6:7-8~


在開始查考箴言書之後 (1:1-2:5),我看到「領受智慧、善用知識」 就是我們能夠過一個明智人生的原則性指標,一個基督徒對於人生的「價值觀」是決定我們對於生活的態度,也就是要應用 神所賜的永生作為我們人生指標的「種收律」 (加 6:7-8),藉著神的恩典,希望一直能在生活中得著「智慧」,善用屬靈的「知識」,能夠明白真理,藉著與 神有親密的關係而認識祂,這些都取決於是否能持續 「敬畏耶和華」的心態來過生活,既使需要付上代價,貢獻所有,也要專心尋求,像尋找人生中值得珍惜的寶貝一般。

1.   基督徒的價值觀/種收律 ─ 是我們人生的原則性指標

2.   得著屬靈的「智慧」和善用屬靈的「知識」 是我們為人生活的原則 ─

· 敬畏─「敬畏耶和華」的心態

· 親密 ─ 認識「神和祂的旨意」的生活

3.   專心尋求,像尋找人生中值得珍惜的寶貝一般

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. ~Galatians 6:7-8~

       After retirement, I began to seriously face my daily life at home, to arrange my daily schedule and the things I should do. Although compared with the time when I was working, it seems like I have a lot of time but there are also many things I want to do. I think whether at work or in retirement, as a Christian, my attitude towards life should not change, I just face different things and environments in life.

      After starting to study the book of Proverbs 1:1-2:5, I realized that “receiving wisdom and making good use of knowledge” are the principled indicators by which we live a life of wisdom. A Christian’s values for life determines our attitude towards life. In other words, we should apply the “law of the harvest” (Galatians 6:7-8) which is the eternal life God gives us as our life’s indicator for our lives. By God's grace, we hope to always have wisdom in life, to apply the spiritual knowledge, and to understand the truth, to know God through an intimate relationship with Him. All of these depend on whether you fear the Lord continually in your heart, even though you have to pay the price, giving everything, focused on seeking like searching for precious treasures.

  1. Christian values / law of the harvest -- are principled indicators for our lives

  2. Gaining spiritual wisdom and applying spiritual knowledge are the principles of our lives

• In awe - mentality of fearing the Lord

• Intimacy - knowing God and His will

3. Focus on seeking, like searching for precious treasures

Teacher Allen Hsu 徐國雄老師~

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