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挑旺如火的恩賜 Fan into flame the gift of God

FCBC web team CT

「為此我提醒你,使你將神藉我按手所給你的恩賜,再如火挑旺起來。因為神賜給我們,不是膽怯的心,乃是剛強,仁愛,謹守的心。」(提後1: 6-7)


1. 明白恩賜的傳承—繼承發揚 


2. 挑旺如火的恩賜—熱心服事


3. 認識恩賜的本質—神賜給我們剛強、仁愛、謹守的心

a. 剛強的心:面對勝不過的環境,人心很容易膽怯,只要承認軟弱,尋求聖靈幫助,並以基督的心為心,相信神的同在,必能剛強壯膽。

b. 仁愛的心:就是愛神的心,與愛人如己的心。林前13:4-8講到愛是甚麼,這愛是來自於主耶穌基督,都是神所賜的。

c. 謹守的心:就是謹慎自守、儆醒禱告。不謹守、不儆醒會被魔鬼吞吃,在戰場上不能打盹。


For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:5-6)

2 Timothy happened when the church had just been established, but it encountered trials and suffering from the persecution of the Roman Empire. The church was weak in faith and full of fear. Here, Paul reminded Timothy to not be timid but to fan into flame the gift of God.

1. Understand the inheritance of gifts—inherit and carry forward: The sincere faith that Timothy inherited from the family (2 Tim. 1:5) and the gifts and position through the laying on of hands show that there is a heritage of faith, position, and gifts. The ordination in the church is to confirm the faith and offices of the ministers or deacons, so be cautious and not rush (1 Tim. 5:22). The different gifts and duties set up by God in the church are for the purpose of equipping the saints for the works of service and building up the body of Christ. Therefore, the gifts given by God and the traditions of the church should not be neglected.

2. Fan into flame the gift—Serve with enthusiasm. Due to trials and tribulations, the formerly burning love and fiery service gradually become cold. So it’s necessary to fan the fire of the gift. Fanning the fire of gifts is the work of the Holy Spirit. Trust in the Holy Spirit and sow seeds in obedience to the Holy Spirit. To live is Christ and to die is gain. Then the flame of service will not go out. Our spiritual life needs revival constantly. If it is not revived, it will sink and sink. Seek the help of the Holy Spirit and pursue spiritual growth, then you may be fanned by the flame of the Spirit again.

3. Know the nature of gifts—God gives us power, love, and self-discipline

a. Power: Facing a challenging situation, the human heart easily becomes timid. As long as you admit your weakness, ask the Holy Spirit for help, think as Christ Jesus thinks, God’s presence will make you strong and courageous.

b. Love: Love God and love one another. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 tells us what love is. This love comes from the Lord Jesus Christ and is given by God. We need to first receive the love from God and then love others as ourselves.

c. Self-discipline: We need to guard our hearts and be watchful in prayer. If you don't guard or watch, you will be easily devoured by the devil. You can't nap on the battlefield.

These are all given by God. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, let us examine whether we are lukewarm, spiritually low, and lazy. May the fire of the Holy Spirit once again inspire our faith, love and hope, and revive us, so that we may be truly committed to His mission.

Rev. Benguang Du 都本光牧師~

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